The Butterfly Effect
Aaron Levine Aaron Levine

The Butterfly Effect

The butterfly effect is a concept within chaos theory mathematics that means a small change in one state of being can be responsible for big differences in another.  The term was coined based on the idea that the wind pushed by a butterfly in one part of the world, could be responsible for starting a hurricane somewhere else.  As unlikely as that may be, I’ll explain here how true the concept is within the changes I made to my life – each starting with one small push.

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How I changed my eating lifestyle

How I changed my eating lifestyle

One of the most important lessons that I learned during this fitness journey is to make small changes. This requires patience and an understanding that this is a long game. But the key to this concept – and why it works for me – is that small changes don’t feel like changes, and that’s why they stick. With each change, I gradually changed my lifestyle often without even knowing it. Then, another small change moved my lifestyle again. Then again, and again.

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