How I changed my eating lifestyle
One of the most important lessons that I learned during this fitness journey is to make small changes. This requires patience and an understanding that this is a long game. But the key to this concept – and why it works for me – is that small changes don’t feel like changes, and that’s why they stick. With each change, I gradually changed my lifestyle often without even knowing it. Then, another small change moved my lifestyle again. Then again, and again.
Compliments and Insults
I wrote about The Sunscreen Song and its wisdom last week, but one piece of advice from it that I did not mention, and one that I disagree with, is, “Remember the compliments you receive. Forget the insults.” If anything, I’d say the opposite. Here’s why.
“Do one thing every day that scares you”
As I look back on my journey, one of the biggest keys to its success thus far is overcoming fear. Fear of trying, fear of failing, and even fear of succeeding.
Fifty for 50!
Today is my 50th birthday, and I’m celebrating it with friends on a golf trip at Cabot Cape Breton in Nova Scotia. In lieu of writing this week, I’ve come up with a list of my 50 fitness favorites at 50.
Listen to Your Body (Part 1) — Get to know it first.
Get to know your body before you can listen to it.
I often find it useful to think about the need to use my vacation to empty the tanks that I have filled up and fill up the ones that have become empty.
A vacation is a blip in the long game, but it can be the foundation for achieving success in it.
What’s a WHOOP? It’s whatever I want it to be!
When I am asked the question, “What is a WHOOP?”, I think the best response is, “It’s whatever you want it to be.”
The WHOOP has been the single most important piece of fitness tech that I have ever owned.
Overcoming Setbacks
Heroes overcome setbacks. When you overcome yours, you will be a hero to others – whether you know it or not.
Riding with Peloton from Big and Tall to lululemon
“Invite people in [to fitness] who may not look like they belong.” - Adrian Williams, Peloton Coach and lululemon Ambassador.
Embrace the Journey . . .
You might walk away from a day believing you failed, when the reality is that the win came from trying something hard.