Win the Day!
Check out my recent blog posts
New posts come out on Tuesdays*
*subject to the need to prioritize work, fitness, rest, or just life.
LegallyFit YouTube Channel
Check out my YouTube channel, Legally Fit, for videos of my fitness journey. These will include my attempts to get better at certain workouts like jumping rope and rock climbing. Who knows what else? Let’s see how this all evolves . . .
My Opening Statement
The butterfly effect is a concept within chaos theory mathematics that means a small change in one state of being can be responsible for big differences in another. The term was coined based on the idea that the wind pushed by a butterfly in one part of the world, could be responsible for starting a hurricane somewhere else. As unlikely as that may be, I’ll explain here how true the concept is within the changes I made to my life – each starting with one small push.